Beautiful Wedding: Sexy, Funny, Everything I Want in a Night at the Movies

Beautiful Wedding follows Beautiful Disaster, a film I found perfectly enjoyable, punctuated by hot bodies and lusty sex. Beautiful Wedding leapfrogs Beautiful Disaster. I laughed harder than I have at a movie in ages, and it was by far the sexiest film I’ve ever seen in theaters.

What can I say? You will see titties. You’ll see hot bodies. You will see a handjob. Fireworks. The main, Virginia Gardner, has a great rack and sense of humor herself, and, as with Beautiful Disaster, her and Dylan Sprouse have crazy chemistry. Like any good romantic comedy, there are ups and downs and absurdities, but none too serious. The film is riddled with sex jokes and sex related comedy, as well as relatable silly stuff that will be memed in our household for weeks or months to come. They even pull off a cock fighting scene which, when I saw them trying, I thought, “there is no way I find any part of this funny,” but they got me, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

I came for the sex, but I’ll watch it again for the laughter. In terms of style, I’d say it’s most akin to American Pie. At times it is disgusting humor. Others, cringy. Lots, relatable. I can’t emphasize enough how much humor is sexual. And the women are relatable and funny too–it’s not all on the men. Special shout out to the hilarious and sexy debut by Genesis Estevez; she stole every scene she was in. And I was rooting for the characters the whole way through. Mr. Honey thought it was everything a teenage boy could ask for, and I thought it was a classic, raunchy rom com lots of women would love. Something for everyone.

Highly recommend! Sexiest movie I’ve ever seen in a movie theater, and maybe the sexiest (non-porn) film I have ever seen. And, when was the last time you laughed until your stomach hurt at a movie? A recent movie? Comedy is hard and they nailed it. Two thumbs up. Hurrah! Thank you, Roger Krumble, for making such fun art. More like this please!