About this site: Honey Ahh

Blessings to and from the late, great Desiree West.

This is a space for me to write about all things sex-related. Sexy sex. Sexy movies. Sexy TV. Sexy me. I feel this growing rage inside of me at our seemingly-increasingly prudish society. Why can a man be in a scene without a shirt but not a woman? Why, despite the huge success of the very sexy first seasons of Bridgerton and The Witcher did they remove all the sex and sexiness from the following season? Remember sex jokes? What happened to them? Why is sex always inappropriate?

I can’t take it anymore. And if no one will create what I wish to exist, I will create it for me. So, welcome. If you don’t like it here or feel your morals are offended, this is not the site for you. But if you are craving sexy content, looking for a shame-free space to explore sex, sexuality, sensuality, intimacy, philosophy, pornography, swinging, and the art of sexiness, then howdy, partner. This should be fun.